About Jesus College/History/Libraries and Archives/
The Meyricke Library

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The Meyricke Library is the main library for current members of Jesus College. It houses 30,000 books to support all the courses taught at Jesus, with generous self-service borrowing.

The reading rooms offer a variety of comfortable workspaces open 24 hours a day, with Wi-Fi throughout for access to Oxford’s unrivalled collections of electronic journals and e-books. For more specialised reading, the vast resources of the Bodleian Libraries are a few minutes’ walk away.

The Meyricke Library is a popular study space in College.


The Meyricke Library is located in Staircase 17 in Third Quad. Three reading rooms offer a range of study spaces:

  • The Lower Meyricke contains law, politics, science, and literature in English, as well as the Student Support collection on welfare and study skills.
  • The Upper Meyricke holds books in the humanities and social sciences.
  • The Periodicals Room holds geography, theology, books by Jesus authors, and a number of historical series.

Our College Librarian is Owen McKnight, who can be contacted in person in the library office, by emailing librarian@jesus.ox.ac.uk, or by calling (01865) 279704. The Librarian is usually available to help readers Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The libraries are open whenever College is open (which includes Bank Holidays in May, but not Christmas or Easter).

Books in Jesus College appear in SOLO, the library catalogue covering the majority of the library collections of the University of Oxford. You can check SOLO anywhere without needing to sign in.

If the book you want is on loan to another reader, you can ask library staff to recall it by clicking the green Request button on SOLO. You will receive an email once the book is available. If it’s urgent, please contact the Library.

Floor plans


The Library is self-service. To borrow, take your books to the self-service computer in the entrance corridor, press Borrow, scan the barcode on your University Card, and place the books on the pad. You may take the books as soon as the computer has registered the loan.

There is no limit to the number of books you may borrow, but you must be able to return them promptly if required by another reader.

Books can be borrowed until the end of each term or for the vacation. You will receive an automatic reminder when your books are due for return or renewal. Note that if you pass a book to another student in college, you are still responsible for it.

To return books, press Return on the self-service computer, place the books on the pad, then leave them on the shelving trolley.

You can renew your books through SOLO using your Single Sign-On. If your books have become overdue, please ask staff to renew them for you.

Can’t find a book on your reading list? We encourage you to recommend books for the Library, including additional copies of textbooks. Please let us know whether you would prefer a printed book or e-book.

Although the Library cannot guarantee to buy every book suggested, remember that the College offers book grants.

A Click & Collect service is available to all readers. Find the book you need on SOLO, choose Jesus College Library, sign in if necessary, and click the green Request button. Staff will have the book ready for you the next working day.

We can also Scan & Supply single book chapters and journal articles from the collections, within copyright restrictions.

There is a photocopier in the Lower Meyricke, which also offers scanning and colour printing. The College IT department have instructions on printing. To report a fault, please use the IT help request form.

The Student Support collection (section SS in the Lower Meyricke) holds books on study skills and welfare issues, whether for your own use, or to help you support a friend. Borrowing is anonymous: neither staff nor students can see who has which books. Simply take the books you need from the shelves. When you have finished with them, place the books directly on the returns trolley.

List of Student Support books

Readers with disabilities, and prospective students, are invited to contact the Librarian to discuss support in using the Library. A guide to access to the College buildings is available on the main College website. In particular, the Upper Meyricke is reached by two flights of thirteen steps (with handrails), and a stepladder is needed to reach certain shelves: we can offer alternative arrangements for consulting books on request.

Students may nominate another member of College, or a support worker approved by the University’s Disability Advisory Service, to accompany them in the Library or borrow books on their behalf.

Students who cannot access the Library can also take advantage of the Click & Collect or Scan & Supply services, or by arrangement, library staff can deliver books to the Lodge within one working day.

Please ask staff if you would like to reserve a desk in one of the ground-floor reading rooms. One adjustable desk is available to book.

Jesus College Libraries are independent of the Bodleian Libraries, but college members are entitled to use the Bodleian’s services. These include extensive e-resources (books, journals, and databases) and inter-library requests. The Bodleian also offer LibGuides for subjects taught at Oxford.

Note that, in general, members of Jesus College may not use the libraries of other colleges. However, books held only in college libraries and not in the Bodleian may be consulted by appointment.

Similarly, students from other colleges (and Old Members of Jesus College) may use the Meyricke Library only by appointment.

Jesus College Libraries do not otherwise participate in inter-library loans or reciprocal access arrangements.