We understand that applying to the University of Oxford can be daunting. Please don’t let this deter you… if you don’t give it a go, you’ll never know!
There is lots of information and resources available to support you, so we hope this page is helpful. A great starting point is to visit our Access YouTube channel, where you’ll find many many films covering various topics, such as applying to university, information on the subjects offered at Jesus College, and a selection of recorded lectures.
OxPods sees Oxford students interviewing their professors on their research interests in the hopes of sharing that high-level research with students around the world for free. Episodes are published regularly on the subjects of Biology, English, History, Human Sciences and PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), and interdisciplinary episodes are an occasional feature too. The interviews make use of accessible language and explanations of key concepts to ensure that any listener could learn something by tuning in. Get a taste of life in an academic setting by exploring the topics that Oxford tutors are interested in, which might lead you down your own path of discovery!
Project Inspire
The Project Inspire website was created by undergraduate students at Jesus College. There, you can find students’ perspectives on the application process to Oxford University. The Inspirers have curated resources from across the Internet for you to use.
The University have produced a short film with some top tips about choosing a course – click the image to watch!
And we have some great films – made with and by our brilliant Jesus College students – to help you on your way. Visit our YouTube channel to explore these films.
Many Oxford subjects require applicants to sit an aptitude test. These are not designed to be a test of your knowledge, more an assessment of your reasoning skills, problem solving abilities and way of thinking. You should visit the University website here for the most up-to-date information about Admissions Tests and to find out about the requirements for your specific subject.
At Jesus College, we have produced some helpful guidance films with further information and tips on how you can best prepare. Check out our Applying to Jesus playlist!
The interview process at Oxford is demanding, and you may be asked some unusual questions that go beyond your school curriculum. Our tutors want to assess how you think and how you approach a problem or question that might not be familiar to you. To get the most out of studying at Oxford you need to be able to think critically and independently: that’s what we’re looking for during your interview, not necessarily the ‘right’ answer.
You’ll find interview guidance films on our You Tube channel. Check out our Applying to Jesus playlist, which includes a variety of subject specific mock interviews and guidance featuring our Access Fellow and lovely undergraduates!
The tutorial system is central to teaching at the University of Oxford: our students at Jesus College certainly rate tutorials as being key to their learning experience and development during their degree. You can find out more here and visit our YouTube channel for some short Tutorial samples.
You can find plenty of helpful information about the financial support offered at Jesus College, including bursaries, book grants and prizes here. There is also plenty of welfare support and guidance available, see here for further information.
If you have any individual personal or financial needs that make you feel concerned or apprehensive about applying, please do not fear. The College and University work hard to provide services that will help you manage specific needs whilst studying. If you have any concerns that are not addressed here, then do contact the Academic Director who will be happy to advise.
University College, Oxford has a great online resource called ‘Staircase12’. This website contains resources and information for students thinking about applying to top universities. You’ll find plenty of ideas for stretching yourself beyond the school syllabus.
If you want to develop your thinking skills and get a ‘brain workout’ our Access Fellow has made a Brain Gym film for you to discover exercises that stretch and work your brain and develop your thinking skills.
If you want some support and advice to develop and improve your essay writing skills (and discover how essays changed the world!) then check out this recording of our essay writing webinar from May 2020 plus a REAL Oxford tutorial on Essay Writing here.
Looking for some sample university lectures? Here you’ll find a selection of lectures and seminars recorded at our Seren Summer Schools, which give a flavour of what a lecture is like.