Alumni & friends/Support/
Gift Recognition

“It is a privilege to give a little back in return for having been given such a wonderful experience and opportunity. I hope all alumni will support, little or much.”

Alan Lovell (Classics, 1972)


Every gift to the College, including unrestricted donations, goes directly towards projects that have an immediate impact on current Jesus students and other College members.  Thank you for thinking of your College and supporting our special community. We are immensely grateful for every donation received.


Donor Recognition

We owe a debt of gratitude to our donors and we are honoured to recognise and celebrate their support. From 2024, all donors who have given any amount to College and those who make gifts in kind are thanked in the College Record Donor Roll. All donors who have given to College in the past 12 months are also invited to attend special donor events across the year.

Patron Recognition

The College also has a Patron Scheme, which specifically recognises those who have given cumulatively over the years at the following levels:

  • Queen Elizabeth I Fellows (gifts of £500,000 and above)
    • Upon reaching a total giving of £1,500,000 patrons are nominated by College to join the University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors
    • Addition of the QEI Fellow’s name to the Fellows Roll
    • The below plus recognition by the College’s Governing Body as a Queen Elizabeth I Fellow
  • Principal’s Circle of Benefactors (£100,000 to £499,999)
    • Upon reaching a total giving of £250,000 grants our patrons an invitation to join and enjoy the benefits of Oxford University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Circle
    • The below plus an invitation to hold a lunch or dinner in the Principal’s Lodgings
  • Jenkins Patrons (£50,000 to £99,999)
    • The below plus an invitation to join the annual donor trip abroad with the Principal
  • Meyricke Patrons (£10,000 to £49,999)
    • The below plus an invitation to Benefactors’ Dinner (social restrictions permitting)
  • Mansell Patrons (£2,000 to £9,999)
    • Invitation to the annual Donors’ Carols performance and reception in London with the College Choir
    • Invitation to other special donor events
    • Listing in the printed Donor Roll

Legator Recognition

  • 1571 Society
    • Current confirmed legators will be recognised by 1571 Society membership rosette. This mark honours the dedication of our members who have confirmed Jesus College as a beneficiary in their wills and helps us recognise their commitment in our donor publications. This emblem, derived from the marble of College’s Chapel altar, serves as a symbol of your membership and support.


Each scheme is recognised independently, however, it might be helpful to note that Patrons (and above) are invited to attend exclusive donor events during the course of the year.