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Clubs & Societies

Our inclusive and friendly student community enjoys a range of opportunities to get together and socialise, whether that’s through sports, the arts, subject societies or faith groups. 

Group of young adults standing and sitting in rows smiling

The Jesus College Shakespeare Project cast for their recent production of Richard III.


Read on to find out more about just some of our clubs and societies, and contact the JCR or MCR for a full list. You can also find out more about sports at Jesus College here.

There are plenty of opportunities to participate in arts activities during your time at Jesus College – including the chance to participate in music and drama at College and University level.

Turl Street Arts Festival

Each year we hold the Turl Street Arts Festival, organised jointly by students of the three Colleges on Turl Street (Jesus, Exeter and Lincoln). Contact the JCR for more information.

Jesus College Shakespeare Project

The Jesus College Shakespeare Project (JCSP) is a student-led drama company that is slowly working it way through the Bard’s plays, and holds open auditions each term. Contact JCSP Director Peter Sutton for more information.

Music Society

The College has its own Music Society, founded in 2022. The society hosts a wide range of events throughout the year. To have a look, follow us on instagram, or email one of the co-presidents for more info @jesuscollegemusicsoc &

The College has a music room for practice, with a grand and upright piano. The sports pavilion, and Cheng Kar Shun Digital Hub also provide musical and dramatic venues, and music concerts take place in the Chapel (which has an excellent organ, piano and harpsichord).


The Chapel is also home to a non-auditioning choir, which leads the service of Choral Evensong every Sunday during term, and regularly goes on tour during the vacations. Find out more about the Choir here.

College choir

The Jesus College Choir

Jesus College is home to Oxbridge’s first Esports and Gaming space, located in Third Quad. The AFK Esports Suite is run by the Oxford University Gaming and Esports Society (OUGES). For more information, and to join the OUGES click here.

Sameer Mazhar, former President of the Oxford University Gaming and Esports Society, in the new AFK Esports Suite

If you’re interested in joining the Debating Society, please contact


The Jesus College Shakespeare Project (JCSP) is a student-led drama company that is slowly working it way through the Bard’s plays, and holds open auditions each term. Contact JCSP Director Peter Sutton for more information.

Group of young adults standing and sitting in rows smiling

The Jesus College Shakespeare Project cast for their recent production of Richard III.

All undergraduates and postgraduates belong to either the Junior Common Room (JCR) or the Middle Common Room (MCR). The JCR and MCR are the College versions of a students’ union, representing their members and providing a place to relax. The lively JCR is housed in spacious modern accommodation, including a conservatory and snack bar. Here, students can meet friends, read newspapers and magazines, play a game of pool or watch TV.

The MCR occupies two rooms, with newspapers, a networked computer, CD and DVD players, a television and a pool table, as well as its own small kitchen. Both common rooms organise plenty of social events, such as quizzes, film nights, punting, Sunday brunches and parties.

In the evening, the College bar hosts social events in a friendly, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Visit the JCR and MCR websites for more information.


The College has its own Music Society, founded in 2022. The society hosts a wide range of events throughout the year. To have a look, follow us on instagram, or email one of the co-presidents for more info @jesuscollegemusicsoc &

The College has a music room for practice, with a grand and upright piano. The sports pavilion, and Cheng Kar Shun Digital Hub also provide musical and dramatic venues, and music concerts take place in the Chapel (which has an excellent organ, piano and harpsichord).

We have a wide range of thriving student-led subject societies in College. There are subject societies, for example in English and History, which bring together students from different disciplines with interests in these areas. The subject societies meet once or more a term, typically inviting guest speakers or organising outings to the theatre or places of interest. Contact the JCR or MCR for more information.

The College’s strong historical links to Wales are celebrated through a vibrant programme of talks, music recitals and more, organised by the Oxford University Welsh Society – Cymdeithas Dafydd ap Gwilym. welsh dragon

Founded in 1886, it is the oldest affiliated student society to the University (and the second oldest student society in Oxford, after the Oxford Union). It was founded to promote the Welsh language and Welsh culture, and has been a place for such for more than a century, with poets and politicians, scholars and sportsmen all getting involved with Y Dafydd, such as the founders of Plaid Cymru, as well as former First Minister of Wales, Rhodri Morgan.

Y Dafydd is open to everyone – whether you’re a native Welsh speaker, or you don’t live in Wales at all but love its language and are interested in its culture, and everything in between. Everything it does is bilingual, so it doesn’t matter if all you remember from school is ga i fynd i’r tŷ bach, os gwelwch yn dda or whether you’ve just finished the Mabinogion.

If you want to get involved, please like the society’s facebook page here to keep up to date with activities, and events.