Study here/Life at Jesus/
Health and Wellbeing

Oxford is a wonderful place, rich in opportunities to fulfil your potential. However, it is not unusual for some wellbeing or welfare needs to arise during a student’s time at Oxford.

The College and University take seriously our roles in promoting the wellbeing of all our students, and we provide a wide range of welfare support to try to ensure that your time with us is both fruitful and enjoyable. We know that maintaining good mental health is just as important as maintaining good physical health in helping you reach your academic potential. Our Access Fellow, Dr Matt Williams, talks more about this in the video below:

Many students find that their tutor, supervisor or College advisor is a good person to speak to first when in difficulty. However, sometimes it is helpful to see someone who is not involved in your studies. For this reason, the College has a Welfare Team that you can get in touch with if you have any issues.

The College’s core Welfare Team comprises: the Welfare Officer, Academic Director, Welfare Fellow, Academic Services Manager/ Disability Coordinator, College Nurse, and College Chaplain. The Chaplain has a secular welfare role in addition to his Christian responsibilities, and is ready to give pastoral help of any kind to all students in the College. The JCR and MCR have their own welfare officers and peer support systems, and everyone in College works together to ensure that any problems that do arise are dealt with in a supportive manner. On our College intranet, we have a dedicated Student Welfare section with lots of information on the support available, points of contact and more. It is important to emphasis that, no matter what issue or negative feelings you might have, we are here to help and you will always be supported.


As well as the College Welfare Team, the University Counselling Service also offers expert help to students, and the University has a wealth of support available via its Mental Health website.

Student welfare in College is overseen by the Student Welfare Committee, which comprises  student and staff members, and reports to the College’s Governing Body. Individual students are not discussed. For more information, see also the College’s Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality in Student Health, Welfare and Finance, and the Common Framework for Supporting Students with Disabilities .


Looking after your health

Students are encouraged to register with a local NHS medical practice, which supplies two College Doctors who hold a surgery in College twice a week during term, and also see students at their regular surgery and in an emergency. Our College Nurse holds a surgery in College from Monday to Friday during term, for consultation and minor medical matters.

When you join Jesus, you’ll get lots of information on all our health support services and how to register with a local GP.