The Governing Body awards up to two Meyricke Graduate Scholarships each year. Candidates are selected who appear in the judgement of the panel to be of sufficient academic merit to be Meyricke Graduate Scholars of the College.
Who can apply?
Applicants should have taken a degree of the University of Wales, Swansea Metropolitan University, the University of Wales Trinity St David or the previous constituent universities of Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea. Successful candidates will have commenced a course leading to a degree or diploma of the University of Oxford at the start of Michaelmas Term.
How many Scholarships are there?
There will be up to two Meyricke Scholarships awarded. The number will depend on the academic calibre of the applicants.
How much is a Meyricke Graduate Scholarship worth?
These scholarships will be of the value of £900 per annum and also carry the right to wear a Scholars’ gown and certain dining rights. The scholarships will be tenable in the first instance for one year from 1 October in the current year and will be renewable annually up to the end of the period of fee liability, subject to a continuing strong academic performance of the scholar.
How do I apply?
For further information on how to apply, please contact the Graduate Administrator in the Academic Office, and arrange for two academic referees to write by the closing date. Applications and references should be addressed to the Academic Director, Jesus College, Oxford, marked clearly “Meyricke Graduate Scholarships” on the email. The closing date for applications is Friday of 2nd week of Michaelmas Term. Interviews will take place on the Friday of 3rd week.