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Bylaw 6.3 Award

Open to applications from all undergraduates

Under the terms of Bylaw 6.3, the Governing Body may award funds to students for special courses of study or in respect of other academically beneficial activities. Such courses or activities must relate directly to the course of study and must not be a compulsory part of that course.

Students wishing to apply for these funds should apply in writing to the Academic Director in advance of the activity and enclose a letter of support from their Tutor or Supervisor, or arrange for their Tutor or Supervisor to send an email in support. The application must detail the nature of the work and its connection to the current course of study. It should also detail the costs and the efforts to secure funds from alternative sources.

The maximum amount of an award is £325. There is a limit of £2,000 available per academic year for awards under Bylaw 6.3, and grants will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Applications should be sent in by Wednesday of weeks -1, 2 and 6 each term to allow consideration by Academic Committee. It is possible to consider applications outside this cycle, but only if the request is urgent.

Once the work has been completed, the student must submit a written report to the Academic Director for consideration by Governing Body.