About Jesus College/Our community/ People
Professor Geraldine Wright

Roles and subjects

Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology)



Academic Background

BSc Botany, University of Wyoming, MSc Statistics, Ohio State University, DPhil Zoology, University of Oxford

Geraldine Wright was a Rhodes Scholar who studied insect behaviour and plant insect interactions in the Department of Zoology in the 1990’s. She was a researcher in the Rothenbuhler Honeybee Laboratory and a fellow in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at Ohio State University. Her first academic appointment was in Biology at Newcastle University and later the Institute of Neuroscience at NU. She returned to Oxford in 2018 as a tutorial fellow at Hertford College prior to being elected the Hope Professor.

Undergraduate Teaching

Statistics, Animal Behaviour and Physiology

Research Interests



Subject notes for courses taught at Jesus College:

See also the departmental website.