Roles and subjects
Paul Paget-Colin Clarke Tutorial Fellow in Physical Geography
Professor Richard Grenyer is Paul Paget-Colin Clarke Tutorial Fellow in Physical Geography and Associate Professor in Geography at the University of Oxford.
Academic Background
BSc KCL, MSc PhD Imp Lond
Richard Grenyer is a biologist and conservationist who is interested in the fundamental position that space and geographical processes occupy in biodiversity science and modern conservation strategy. Richard gained a PhD in evolutionary biology from Imperial College London in 2004. He has been a researcher at the University of Virginia in the USA, and at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. He was most recently a Research Fellow at Imperial College London, and was appointed to a University Lectureship in the School of Geography at Oxford in August 2010.
Undergraduate Teaching
GIS, computing, biodiversity science.
Postgraduate Teaching
Systematic conservation planning and strategy, GIS, evolution and biodiversity.
Research Interests
High-performance computing and optimality in systematic conservation planning; alternative measures of biodiversity, phylogenetics and macroevolution; conservation ecology; conservation politics.
Interesting Publications
- “The shape of mammalian phylogeny: patterns, processes and scales”. Purvis, Fritz, Rodriguez, Harvey & Grenyer (in review, 2010). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- “Life on the edge: carnivore body size variation is all over the place“. Meiri, Dayan, Simberloff & Grenyer (2009). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276(1661): 1469-1476.
- “Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity“. Davies et al. (2008). PNAS 105(1): 11556-11563.
- “The delayed rise of present-day mammals“. Bininda-Emonds et al. (2007). Nature, 446: 507-512.
- “Preserving the evolutionary potential of floras in biodiversity hotspots“. Forest, Grenyer et al. (2007). Nature, 445: 757-760.
- “The global distribution and conservation of rare and threatened vertebrates“. Grenyer, Orme et al. (2006). Nature, 444: 93-96.
Aspirational – Foreign travel, hiking, mammal spotting, unscientific ornithology, electronica, orchestral music, pianos, botanical gardening, cooking. Actual – work, sofas.
Subject notes for courses taught at Jesus College:
See also School of Geography website.