Professor Steffen Lauritzen FRS is an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at the University of Copenhagen, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics of the University of Oxford, Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Aalborg University, and Honorary Fellow of the Danish Statistical Society (2018).
Academic Background
MA, (MSc, PhD, DSc Copenhagen), FRS
Studied Statistics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, completing the degree of lic.stat. (PhD level) in 1975. Appointed there as Lecturer until 1981. Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Aalborg University, Denmark, from 1981 to 2004. Professor of Statistics at the University of Oxford from 2004. Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1996/97. Award for “Outstanding Statistical Application” from the American Statistical Association in 1989; Honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society 1992; The Guy Medal in Silver 1996; Knight of the Order of Dannebrog 1999; The DeGroot Prize 2002; elected to the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters 2008; elected to the Royal Society 2011. Humboldt Research Award 2016.
Undergraduate Teaching
Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Inference.
Postgraduate Teaching
Mathematical Statistics, Graphical Models.
Research Interests
Graphical Models and their applications, for example to the estimation of structure and causal inference.
See also Professor Lauritzen’s personal website and the Department of Statistics website.