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Professor Svitlana Slava

Roles and subjects

Supernumerary Fellow



Academic Background

Svitlana Slava graduated from and completed her Ph.D. in Economics, Planning, and Management of the National Economy and its Industries at National Transport University (Kyiv). She defended her thesis at the National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine. After that, Professor Slava has been working at Uzhhorod National University, Transcarpathia, Ukraine, where she teaches courses for undergraduates and postgraduates and is a scientific advisor for Ph.D. students at the Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship.

She received numerous awards from Transcarpathia Regional Administration and Uzhhorod National University. She was also awarded by the Fulbright Senior Research Program, International Research and Exchange Program, and Salzburg Leadership Program (all from the USA).

Undergraduate Teaching

  • Economics of Enterprise
  • Management

Postgraduate Teaching

  • Strategic Management

Research Interests

Her research interests include strategic and structural economic transformations, adjustments during/after crises, regional economic and sustainable development, the economics of enterprise (various issues), innovations, and the knowledge triangle.

Svitlana Slava carried out numerous applied projects for governmental bodies, universities, and businesses in Ukraine; she also gained extended international experience continuously working on projects within the frameworks of the GB, EU, US, and Canada sponsored programs.

She is an author of more than 100 publications, including ones in well-known international journals: Sustainability, Regional Studies, Global Networks, Environment and Planning А, and Public Management.


Her personal hobbies are traveling and cultural learning, languages, history, and language of Rusyns (located in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, and Croatia), hiking, sightseeing of nature’s beauty, attending art and music events, painting, photography, and cooking.

As part of her volunteering work, she is a member of the Joint Committee for a partnership between two small towns in GB and Ukraine, which mainly aims to promote school students’ cultural and language learning.

Publications (in English)

Books Co-Authored:

Chapters in Books:

  • Bazhal Yu. M., Slava S. S., Safonov Yu. M. Venesaar Urve, Küttim Merle Slava, S. (2017). The necessity for the development of innovation laboratories in Ukrainian universities: the concepts and institutional settings/ In Galtsova O. and Gogolauri N. (eds) Management of modern socio-economic systems. – Collective monograph. – Vol. 2. Lithuania: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017. – 260 p.
  • Kalantaridis, C. Slava, S. Savchenko, O, and Gumenna, O (2016) Innovation Processes in Adverse Institutional Settings: Connectedness and Disconnectedness in Three Regions of Ukraine in Smallbone D., Sauka A. and Virtanen M. (eds) Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Edward Elgar. – 224 p. ISBN: 978 1 78536 554 6 DOI: 10.4337/9781785365553.00007
  • Stephen E. Condrey, Svitlana Slava-Prodan, R.Paul Battaglio, and Mykola Palinchak. Ukrainian Public Management: Top-Down or Bottom-Up Reform? // Public Admnistration in Post-Communist Countries (ed. S. Liebert, S. E. Condrey, D. Goncharov). –  Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, 2013. – pp. 7-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315089300
  • Internationalisation of SMEs in Ukraine, By Nahum Goldmann, Svitlana Slava, Yuriy
  • Makogon, Tetyana Orekhova and Alena Dubouskaya, in Dana, Leo Paul, Mary Han, Vanessa Ratten and Isabell Welpe, Eds. (2008), A Theory of Internationalisation for European Entrepreneurship, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. Pages 660-684. Electronic access: https://epdf.pub/handbook-of-research-on-european-business-and-entrepreneurship-towards-a-theory-.html
  • Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises // In the book “Handbook for Small and Medium Enterprises”. – Uzhhorod: Karpaty, 2004. – Pp.105-125.

Journal Papers:

  • Slava S., Chynyk V. Organizational peculiarities of hotel activities in pandemic conditions, Transcarpathia, Ukraine. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal. Vol. 72/ No. 1/ 2024/ 35 – 39. DOI: 10.37741/t.72.1.3
  • Slava S. Economy and Creativity Multiparametric Clustering: Regional Comparisons and New Perspectives for Ukraine. Region. Volume 10, Number 1, 2023, 159-181 2, DOI: 10.18335/region.v10i1.382
  • Slava S., Salata S.(eds). The war in Ukraine. Unbelievable horror on the European continent. Urbanistica Informazioni. Pp. 149-162
  • Slava S., Puhinska V. Aligning Enterprise Performance Goals and Pay Motivational Design in Forest Enterprises, Transcarpathia, Ukraine. SciPap 2021, 29 (3), 1323; https://doi.org/10.46585/sp29031323
  • M.Rădulescu, S. Slava, A.T. Rădulescu, R.Toader and D.-C. Toader, G. Boca. (2020).  A Pattern of Collaborative Networking for Enhancing Sustainability of Smart Cities / Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050, 3(2020, 12(3), 1042), February 2020. DOI:10.3390/su12031042
  • Slava S., Condrey S. E. Public management and community in rethinking and structuring sustainability: a two-city (USA and Ukraine) comparative analysis // Int. J. of Sustainable  Development, Vol. 13, No. 3. – 2010. – Pp. 243 – 266. Eng. DOI: 1504/IJSD.2010.037557
  • Kalantaridis, S. Slava, I. Vassilev Global Networks and Re-Organisation of Production in the Clothing Industry of Post-Socialist Ukraine (co-authors) // Global networks, UK. – Том 8, №3, 2008 – Pp. 308-328 Electronic access: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2008.00197.x
  • Kalantaridis, S. Slava, I. Vassilev Globalisation and Industrial Change in the Clothing Industry of Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine: A Micro-Level View // Environment and Planning А. – Volume 40, Issue 1. – 2008 р. – pages 235-253. Electronic access: DOI:10.1068/a38452
  • Kalantaridis, S. Slava, K. Sochka Globalization processes in the clothing industry of Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine (co-authors ) / Regional Studies / UK  – 2003. –  Issue 2, Volume 37. – Pp.173-      186. Electronic access: DOI: 10.1080/0034340022000057442
  • Public management reform under stress: the Ukrainian civil service experience (co-authors S.Condrey, K.Purvis) / Public Management, UK.– 2001.-Volume 3, Number 2, 2001. Рр. 27-280 Electronic access: https://doi.org/10.1080/14719030122207

For more publications visit ResearchGate.