About Jesus College/Our community/ People
Professor Tom Douglas

Roles and subjects

Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy



Professor Tom Douglas is Professor of Applied Philosophy at the University of Oxford and Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at Jesus College.

Academic Background


Tom Douglas trained in clinical medicine (BMedSc, MBChB, Otago, New Zealand) and philosophy (BA DPhil, Oxford). He is currently Professor of Applied Philosophy and Director of Research at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics . He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Practical Ethics and Principal Investigator on the project ‘Protecting Minds: The Right to Mental Integrity and the Ethics of Arational Influence’, funded by the European Research Council.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching

Practical Ethics & Ethics

Research Interests

Tom’s research lies mainly in normative and applied ethics, especially bio-, neuro-, digital and criminal justice ethics. His work currently focuses on the nature and justification of our rights against bodily, mental and behavioural influence/interference; the ethics of human germline gene editing; and the ethics of predicting human behaviour.

Previously, he has written on ethical issues concerning biomedical enhancement (the use of biomedical technologies to augment normal human capacities), assisted reproductive technologies, embryo research, synthetic biology, and the use of biomedical technologies in criminal rehabilitation.


Subject notes for courses taught at Jesus College:

See also Prof Douglas’s personal academic website, Project website, and Faculty webpage.