Oxford Cymru launches design challenge for Welsh school children

1 March 2024

Oxford Cymru, the consortium of three Oxford colleges that runs an extensive community outreach programme in Wales, and of which Jesus College is a member, has launched a new Welsh schools competition to design a new logo.

The Oxford Cymru Logo Design Competition is open to learners in Years 7-9 in Welsh state schools, with a £100 book token on offer for the winning logo.

Jesus College, New College and St Catherine’s College, have joined forces to develop the competition, which encourages young designers across the country to create a logo which represents the unique connection between the University of Oxford and Wales.

The design can be produced in traditional or digital media, and learners are also encouraged to write a statement on the inspiration behind their work.

The deadline for submitting design is the 30th April 2024, and the winner and runner-ups will be announced later in the year.

For more information on the competition, and to submit designs, click here.